phantom figures
chapter 3: discovery
the man with black and white hair grinned at the thought of getting Zeref's offspring. But
figuring ouut how to him was harder than time traveling three people. A girl with white hair
smiled, and another girl with Black hair frowned at the man. "Era, the magic councel should is
hiding Zeref's offspring there. They might have moved to another area also." The man said,
he smiled at the thought of using the offspring to get revenge in the past for his fallen
comrades soon he won't be called a fool he would soon be known as 'Midnight the Leader'.
Z woke up doing her usual habbit, take off pj's, get on the clothes, put on boots and belt,
and wake up everyone else who was still asleep. Sting was enjoying it here it was peaceful
enough that no one would yell at him for doing something stupid. Rufus was out in the garden
writing in a jounal of everything he was seeing. Nirvana was in the kitchen helping the cooks.
Rouge was reading on the roof. Saphira was in a meeting with the other members. Znoticed
that she was the last one up, so she decieded to get the others to come with her to the local
Midnight had discovered where Era is now with the help of the two new members of oracion
sies Yen and Yan. Looking at the building he asked the two girls "Shall we atack now?" with a
grin on his face. They nodded. Then the three jumped down and atacked!
"We should kill her!" one man said. "NO! We should use her to atack enemies." said another,
the bickering just continued. Saphira sighed as she thought to herself 'This is tiresome she
has the power of Zeref, and my power the fairy powers.......but she has a dorment power too
and i can't figure out what it is! What ever it is i hope its not so powerful......I should tell
them about this.' "Everyone," Saphira began as she stood to address everyone "Z has a
dorment power that-" all of a sudden the building exploded.
"Wow that was so fun!" Nirvana said as she was walking arm in arm with Z since thhe two
bonded even better when Z and Nirvana had a manicure together. As for the boys they were
very annoyed when the girls deceided to have a makeover, Z paid for the manicures and
Nirvana paid for the messages. The two girls were laughing all the way to Era. When Z
looked to the building she saw it up in flames. "No......" Z whispered hoarsly as she dropped
the basket of grocries and ran towords Era. "Stop Z!" Nirvana yelled as she and the other
three ran after her. Z screeched to a halt at the and of the hill. "Caught up to yooo-" Nirvana
was saying and stopped before she finished. Before them were two wemon. One had white
hair and black clothes and the other had black haair and white clothes. Then they looked at
the teens.
"Their just kids....."
"Yeah but they've seen us we'll need to kill them"
the two girls advanced towords them. All of the kids were frighted to the spot. Then Z
Z ran at Yen hoping she would at least hit her with her head. Yen struck her upside the head.
Z was down and tears were starting to spill out of her eyes. "Awww....." Yan said "The little
girl is crying." Z had tears still slipping out of her eyes "I couldn't save them....." she
whispered, then she screamed "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KILLED THEM!" Yan Stopped
laughing when she saw Z's face. "Uwa....Yeeeeeh....Aghh...." Yan started whimpering. Nirvana,
Sting, Rouge, and Rufus were watching in wonder. Yen then whispered "Desendent....."
Midnight walked away from the building proud of the work he had done, he walked over to
the girls. "Hey what's wrooonng....." he said as he slowed down getting to them. the
Saberteens had hidden just incase. Yan was sprawled out on the ground breathing very
slowly. Yen was fighting a girl with black and some white hair and read eyes. Then he smiled
he had found Zeref's desendant, the had thought it was a boy but it's a girl. "Stab her! She
won't be affected much." he yelled to Yen. She slitly nodded then created a sword and
slashed Z. "Argh!" Z's eyes changed color from red to a light blue-green. "Farie......" Z
started as a magic circle with the symbol of a eagle with a sun or moon over the head
appeared over her head "EXPLOTION!" Yen screamed in pain as magic circle surrounded her
and exploded. Midnight stepped in only to find out his magic was canceled out. "Found you." he smiled.
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